Kia ora koutou community
Abuse Prevention Services (previously known as Rodney Stopping Violence) has been offering support in the Rodney and Hibiscus Coast Districts for many years. We work with both survivors of family violence and perpetrators of it. We work with adults, youth and children of all genders. We are committed to the vision of all people in Rodney and the Hibiscus Coast living free from abuse.
The term family violence can be a bit confronting for some people and we worry that at times it deters people from reaching out for support. It can be difficult to understand that you may be in or have been in, a relationship that is abusive, or that your behaviours are abusive. Family violence is more than just physical violence, it may also be emotional, verbal, sexual or financial abuse.
This year in the Helensville area we are offering the following programmes:
Living Free group programme (AKA the women’s programme) in the Helensville area. This is a 12 week programme (once a week for 2 ½ hours) for women who have experienced any kind of abuse in their relationships (with partners or family members). In the programme women get to learn about cycles of abuse, how it affects children, what power and control is, the importance of boundaries and what healthy relationships look like. Free childcare is provided. The programme can also be offered to some clients on an individual basis (specific criteria needs to be met). Phone Alex 02102320297.
Living Without Abuse group programme (AKA the men’s programme) is going to be held every Tuesday from 6.30pm - 9pm year round in Helensville. This is a 16 week programme that men can join throughout the year. It is for men wanting to improve their relationships, who may take their anger out on others or behave in ways that they later regret. It is also for men who frighten or harm their family. Men learn what respectful and supportive behaviours look like, to notice their own warning signs for destructive/abusive episodes, how to be positive role models for their children and much more. Phone Gayathri 0273440098.
Other Services are available from both Abuse Prevention Services and Kindred Family Services. As Kindred are based in Helensville you may want to pop in and see how they can support you and your whanau. Old Post Office Building 104 Commercial Road. You can also look on our website for more help.
All Abuse Prevention Services are FREE.
People can SELF REFER or BE REFERRED. Some people are mandated to attend our programmes through the courts.
We are happy to receive referrals through any of our team members. We welcome any questions or inquiries.
If you are in immediate danger please dial 111 or if you need help from the local women’s refuge please call Kia Tîmata Anô 021842917 or Hestia 0800321361.
Abuse Prevention Services operates at all COVID-19 levels - albeit remotely in levels 3 and 4.
Please feel welcome to contact Liz Cole with any client queries, agency questions, complaints, collegial support, interest in sponsorship of the agency… or anything else. My door is open! ( or 021 545975)
Have a safe day - reach out if you need us - everyone is worthy of safety.