Achieving Prosperity

by Trish Lynds

Trish at the Prosperity Partners regional office in South Head

Trish at the Prosperity Partners regional office in South Head

Prosperity Partners Trust is owned and managed by Trish Lynds. We are financial planners who specialize in wealth accumulation and retirement planning. We pride ourselves in our approach where we treat our clients in a very friendly and personalized manner. In other words, we’re not corporate. We have two offices - one in Albany and one in South Head - as Trish made the move to the country in 2014. We are committed to the Helensville Community News and each month we will be submitting an article on subjects such as economic news, retirement planning, and investment ideas.
Most New Zealanders’ largest asset is their home, with their savings in a term deposit at the bank. Over recent years, interest rates have been so low that they are barely keeping up with inflation, which makes saving this way tough. The need to diversify away from the banks is growing ever more as we are now living longer, and need to plan accordingly.
Retirement planning will be one of the biggest issues that many New Zealanders will face. Most of us are living longer than our parents’ generation where the average age was 70-75. Those aged 60+ now could be living into their late nineties. The statistics evoke some question that one should answer in their 50s, such as:
- How much income do I need in retirement?
- Am I healthy? Will I live to 90?
- Do I want to leave an inheritance?
The list goes on. Next month, we will focus our article on retirement.
If you are tired of being a number, come along to meet our team and existing clients at our upcoming investment seminar. This is to be held at the Fairway Conference Center in Wairau on Thursday 27th October. The seminar will run from 11am to 1pm. If you are interested in attending, please call us on 09 489 9320 by Monday 17th October to reserve your place.

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