Students from Room 21 at Helensville Primary School recently participated in a programme called Whitebait Connection, where they undertook studies of the Awaroa Stream. Water samples were collected for testing and results showed that 1000’s of species of flora and fauna live in our community’s waterways.
The students were however, upset to notice large amounts of litter scattered all over the place, so Room 21 took charge.
On arrival back to the classroom, the students and teacher spent time talking about the effects human pollution has on other living things and consequently, they decided to make a stand and try to help.
With much planning and preparation, they received permission to build and install signs at the Awaroa Stream’s edge, reminding people not to litter.
In addition to this, they spent the morning picking up rubbish from around our community.
Room 21’s efforts were supported by the parents and caregivers of Helensville School by way of supplying materials and their time and Mitre 10 Helensville happily donated a sheet of ply wood, enabling us to make the glow in the dark signs.
Each sign was designed and made by students and share an important message.