Bee Box Auction Creates a Buzz

On Wednesday 14th August the annual Bee Box Auction was held between PATHS (Parents and Teachers at Helensville Primary School) and the Rodney Beekeepers Club. It was held at the Kaipara Cruising Club in Helensville on Bee Club night. An incredible $1272.00 was raised on the evening with all proceeds going towards building a new senior playground at the school.
The Rodney Beekeepers Club donated the bee boxes and a colouring competition was held at the school. The four winning designs across the school were then painted by the students to auction off. The creative artists were Georgie Collinge-Coker, Lachlan Vesey, Dorothy Pinnell and Lilee Allen.
The student artists and families, Rodney Beekeeper Club members and local beekeepers attended the auction night. All had a fun night. This is the second year we have run this fundraiser and PATHS would like to say a big thank you to Rodney Beekeepers Club for their continued support.

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