Blast from the Past

Kaipara and Waitemata Echo, 19 June, 1912
Last evening a large number of ladies representing Parkhurst, Te Pua and Parakai met at the Parakai Hall to arrange for a Leap Year Social …Without much ado Thursday the 27th June was fixed as the day and date of the function. … It was decided that all the arrangements be done without the assistance of “mere man,” it being pointed out that the ladies’ year did not come too often, and they would not run any risks of failure … a fine of sixpence it is mooted is to be imposed on any gentleman crossing the floor without being escorted by “Us.” One thing is sure, that is a well prepared floor, while the decorations and the supper; well, never mind, be there, the Parakai Leap Year Social is to be a total eclipse.

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