Lions Club of Helensville
“The Best Book Fair in the West!”

23rd/24th November 2019
Helensville War Memorial Hall

This year the Lions Christmas Book Fair is to be held again on the last weekend of November. The Autumn Book Fair in May raised $8,670 for use in the local community, thanks to all book lovers, and we would love to better that. The Book Fair will be held on Saturday 23rd, 9am to 4pm and Sunday 24th 10am to 3pm in the Helensville War Memorial Hall.
We have once again sorted all the books before the event, as the aim of the Helensville Lions is to make your weekend of browsing as effortless and pleasurable as possible.
Non-Fiction is split into twenty separate categories, from Animals & Pets to Winemaking including one dedicated to New Zealand subjects and a large General Non-Fiction section to browse through.
Fiction is arranged alphabetically by authors from Atwood to Zusak with six special interest groups, the largest of which is the Fantasy/Science Fiction section. We also have a tremendous number of children’s books for all ages.
Books are priced to sell with paperbacks at $1, hardbacks at $2.00 and all children’s books being 50c each.
Vinyl LPs, there will be over 400 of these on offer, a generous collector’s lifetime accumulation. They cover all genres from Classical to Country. These will also be sorted into categories for ease of selection.
Plus, there is also a good selection of jigsaw puzzles, board games, DVDs, CDs and quality magazines available.
All funds raised go into The Lions Club of Helensville Charitable Trust, and are used for the benefit of the local community.
Small donations of books can be left at Burmester Realty, Helensville or for larger lots call Chris on 09 420 8527.
Please note that the last date we are accepting books for this Book Fair is Friday 15th November.

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