Helensville is going to be blessed with two Christmas Lunches this year.
The Helensville District Community Christmas Day Lunch - will again be held at Helensville Primary School hall as it has for the last two years. It is again providing an opportunity for anyone to enjoy a festive meal with others in our community. No registration required. Just turn up from 11.30am. Gold coin donations appreciated. Gifts for all children under 13.
Funding is secured from Lions, Rotary and Magnify Church. The school is again allowing free use of their great facility. Donations of cash or food most welcome. Volunteers needed. helchrisfest@gmail.com 021 488 427
Helensville Christmas Day Lunch - which will be held in the War Memorial Hall on Christmas Day, a gold coin on the day is all that is required. Lunch will be served at 11.30am. Everyone is Welcome.
Extra family for Christmas?..A recent bereavement or just the thought of Christmas triggers stress?.. come and enjoy Christmas day with the LOCALS in Helensville. Fun, prizes, childrens activities..Special theme is the music of ABBA!..Prizes best dressed!.
Please register at the Citizens Advice Bureau C.A.B. before 3pm weekdays or Nga Maunga Whakahii before 4.30pm weekdays, noting any special diets and any transport requirements.
Elves will be needed please the evening of 24th December, Christmas Day, and the 26th December. A fun ‘Children’s Activities Co Ordinator’ will also be a great help. Donations/Koha of fresh fruit, preserves, canned foods for the food box’s is most appreciated. All elves help please ph or txt Raewyn T. Mercer 0272820470.