Christmas is Coming to Helensville

Christmas Parade midday Saturday 2nd December. Email or phone 021488427 for entry forms.
Bouncy castle, face painting, ice cream and entertainment from 9.30am in Creek Lane with various food stalls through the parade route. Also Santa at RSA for photos.
Children’s bike, trike and scooter decorating competition will be judged before the parade commences, with entrants having opportunity to join in the parade from outside the Library. Entry forms available as above.
Parade ends at Helensville Museum where there will be music festival, lolly scramble, food, Santa photos, bouncy castle, from 1pm. Kaipara Classic Car Club bar will be operating in separate licensed space.
The Levites, Stan Walker’s backing band with support artist Erakah, will headline the music festival, with great local bands in the mix. Jacob Nansen (aka Jakes) leads the Levites and is Stan’s music director. The Levites will be supported by Brass4sho and Stan Walker’s backing vocalists Nathan and Lilo. Add to that Adeaze and Ness Abernethy.
Share some Cheer
Noel’s Christmas Trees are donating trees which will be given to local families via The Angel Fund. You can donate decorations, bought or home made, by leaving them at Helensville Library from 1st December. Trees and decorations will be distributed from 9th December.
The Helensville Art Centre are providing free workshops to learn how to make decorations, with all items made donated to this project. Saturday 18th November 12.30pm til 2pm, Saturday 25th November 10.30am tilmidday. Registration at the Art Centre will secure your place.

Call out for volunteers for the day –
The success of this community day relies on an army of volunteers. If you would like to be involved, email or phone 021 488 427, or drop in to Helensville Copy & Print.

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