Don’t shoot the messenger

Community groups and organisations are often run by volunteers who want to make a difference by helping others.
As they aim to respect their clients, so they deserve respect.
Board secretary and volunteer Rani Timoti says the Citizens Advice Bureau Helensville is no exception.
She highlights the old saying “Don’t shoot the messenger” which is a metaphoric phrase to unfairly blame a person who has given you bad news or information.
“The frustration and anger around Covid-19 issues, including showing vaccine passes, can be as rough as the Kaipara Harbour bar, but don’t take it out on volunteers.”
All volunteers are protected and follow a Health and Safety plan and take instructions from their national office.
This includes the legal requirements around Covid-19 including vaccine passes for face-to-face interaction and the NZ Covid Tracer QR code poster or the paper contact tracing form for sign-ins.
“The values I’ve been brought up with, as many of my South Kaipara whanau have too, include respecting your elders. As most of our volunteers are in this age bracket, they are also the ones more prone to health risks. Consider this when you visit us- we could be your grandparents, great-aunts and uncles or parents,” says Rani.
The CAB Helensville office at 27 Commercial Rd is now open and welcomes face-to-face interactions, Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm. Other options include by phone 09 420 7162 or email: or go to for our national website.
“We have all methods of contact for the vaccinated and unvaccinated so no-one is left out and everyone is fairly and respectfully treated. We simply ask the same in return.”

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