Positive feedback is pumping through about Citizen Advice Bureau’s new Youth Tool Kete.
Easy access, plain down-to-earth information and English are just some of the comments from clients.
“It’s easy to use and understand. I like the colours and the animation characters. My friends would really learn from the different topics which help us out as youth,” says Shavaughn Hill-Khan, 17, who is connected to Haranui Marae.
CAB Helensville manager, Rani Timoti, says since the kete’s launch, it’s been great to hear how relevant it has been for clients, including adults who have English as a second language.
She showed participants at last month’s Community Support Network group so they could check it out and pass on to their young family and friends.
The colourful and innovative design is also a bonus in presenting information or help.
The kete supports young people deal with “adulting” and all the new challenges it brings, whether it’s about employment, flatting, buying a car, getting an ID sorted or understanding insurance.
“Rest assured there’s no misinformation or disinformation here. Our information is current, correct and crucial for youth to thrive in their communities,” says Rani.
A Youth Engagement Report has also timed with the kete launch from CABNZ. It spotlights on issues facing young people throughout NZ, particularly a year of enquiries to CABs from clients aged under 25.
Rani says there also seems to be a need to provide reassurance for clients who want to check if they’re on the right track or following proper procedures for all sorts of issues.
CAB Helensville also refers clients to specialist services.
“This is seen so clearly with our own South Kaipara networking for our locals with organisations and groups who go the extra mile even with their own constraints,” says Rani.
Check out the Youth Tool Kete on our website at cab.org.nz to chat online or email us.
Or if you want to see some friendly faces come and see us at 16 Commercial Rd, Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm or Saturday, 10am to noon.
The new Youth Tool Kete provided by Citizens Advice Bureau is relevant and packed with important information to help young people navigate life.