UHY Haines Norton Chartered Accountants are continuing to provide all accounting, tax and business advisory services remotely. Under Alert Level 3 clients are not allowed on our premises, so our Helensville office at 34 Commercial Road remains physically closed. However, the whole team continues to work safely from home and are contactable through all of the normal channels.
We are proud to be providing free financial crisis assistance for businesses affected by COVID-19. We are offering up to 2 no-obligation collaborative business meetings with our experts, completely free of charge. Our experts can demonstrate how different scenarios for revenue, profitability and cash flow may impact, and provide analysis and information around changes you may consider making due to the COVID-19 crisis. If you have any concerns regarding the financial future of your business we are here to help. This offer is open to all businesses – you do not have to be a client with us.
To start your free financial crisis assistance please contact Mark Foster on 021-220-5817 or email crisisassistance@uhyhn.co.nz.