119th Helensville Show and Heritage Train!
February 27th 2021 will see the 119th Helensville A& P Show take place, a major community event in the Helensville Calendar.
Having spoken at length about the importance of rail to Helensville I’m delighted that this year a special heritage train is being put on by the Glenbrook Vintage Railway. A diesel locomotive will pull a mix of 1920’s and 1940’s carriages from Glenbrook’s base at Waiuku to Helensville station, stopping at Swanson on the way to pick up West Aucklanders.
The Helensville show is a real institution and this year promises to be bigger and better than ever.
Personally, I’m hoping that the opportunity to travel to Helensville on the special heritage train will encourage others to visit and enjoy all that the Helensville Show has to offer. Tickets for show entry and train travel are available from www.eventfinder.co.nz
After a difficult 2020 due to Covid-19 and the recent community transmission scare I’m pleased to advise that the show plans are continuing and preparation is underway with new events added for this year’s show. This year a new Maori Art & Craft category is offering a number of classes covering weaving, carving, artwork and craft. Make sure to check out these exhibits or research and create something for this new competition class. I also have a few copies of the 2021 Show Schedule available in the electorate office.
Of course I will be there in my mobile office (affectionately named Natty) so do stop by and say hello. I’m encouraging as many people as possible to take up the opportunity of attending the show by rail and I ask that you do the same. Of course I will continue to advocate with the powers that be for a regular Western Line service to recommence as a more efficient means of travelling to various other parts of Auckland.
Finally a huge shout out and thanks to the sponsors and volunteers who make the Helensville Show such a success every year but especially this year under the uncertainty that has been Covid-19.