From Penk’s Pen – We need to ‘Get things done’

As your local MP, the importance of getting things done cannot be understated. Despite a number of local projects that have been planned over the years, many have not come to fruition.
One prime example is State Highway 16, where there have been plans to add a ‘rapid transit corridor’ between Westgate and the city centre, as well as a bypass, which are great ideas that I have actually advocated for. However, these proposals have been discussed for years now and unfortunately too much time has been wasted with a lack of decision  making, leaving projects stalling and yet to get off the ground. And it’s simply regrettable that this procrastination consequently impacts the surrounding area with future uncertainty. For example, businesses won’t know if they will be able to retain their premises or whether their land will be acquired for existing state highway widening. And when a project proposal starts to hang in the balance, that inevitably means the fate of another project in the area is thrown up in the air too. I say that the government needs to get on with just making a decision so that people can make plans and know what to expect.
Another local project I’ve heard encouraging noises about, but again without any certainty, is the additional secondary school that’s desperately needed in the electorate. There’s  plenty of existing land in the area that is already owned by the Government so common sense would suggest that this should be considered as the first cab of the rank for establishing a new secondary school. Yet when I asked the government about the prospects of a new secondary school in parliament recently, I was met with an astonishing response that the Ministry of Education is still seeking to acquire land. This is not only absurd but is incredibly unhelpful for families living in the area who can’t make plans on
where to send their children to school.
It’s not good enough to announce plans and then kick the can down the road when decisions need to be made. A National government has a record of getting things done and we will prioritise the transport changes and upgrades that are desperately needed in the Northwest.

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