Our first Club Day for the year on Thursday 20th February started with our AGM and we had 19 members present.
We had a workshop arranged for the day, we made a technique we learnt a few years ago from Marie Francoise Deprez, an international demonstrator.
We picked reeds (the longer the better) from the side of the road and gave each member approx. 20/30 each. It is important to pick reeds that bend and do not break!
They then secured them side by side on double sided tape and bound the first two with decorative wire, and introduced the next reed, with a slight bend in the first main two reeds, then the next until all the reeds were bound together and made a shape. It’s an easy technique and the finished item looks amazing and enhances any floral design.
They start off green of course, but they dry beautifully and last for many designs. They also can be spray painted many times for different occasions.
New Members welcome. We meet on the third Thursday of the month. There are Ten more months of interesting Floral work this year including a trip in November.
Our March Meeting is Thursday 19th
Enquiries to Cushla Hawkes 021-258-8989/ 09-420-8905