On Saturday 22nd September the Helensville Golf Club ran a fundraising tournament in conjunction with the Blue September Foundation to raise funds for Prostate Cancer research and awareness.
The day was supported by many local business’s including The Shed Company, The Aussie Butcher – Kumeu, Coopers Creek Wines, Rotary North Harbour and Gatmans Mowers & More from Silverdale. Support was also received from Eagle Technology and DRCNZ.
Over 100 players from local clubs took part in the event, with players coming from as far away as South Auckland to take part on what turned out to be a pleasant day for golf.
Tournament co-ordinator Phil Norman commented “That he was overwhelmed by the support of both local business’s and players and was confident that the $5,000 raised would go a long way to assist research for Prostate Cancer, which affected one in every eight NZ men, and was the third most deadly disease in New Zealand”. He also urged all men over 55 to talk to their doctor about being tested, which is now done through blood tests and takes less time to do than it takes to play a single hole of golf.