In July, our Kids Time sessions change.
Our sessions are now Thursday at 10am, for about 30 minutes.
It’s time for our annual Soft Toy Sleepover!
Friday 5 July 2019, 4pm to 5.30pm
Bring along a soft toy* to join in the fun of our Pyjama party &storytime, Wear your pyjamas for bedtime stories with your toy
Leave your toy overnight, so they can have a library sleepover
Then, pick your toy up from the library on Saturday 6 July (between 9.30am and 4pm) *not a special toy that has to be home at bedtime
The school holiday theme is Poles Apart - Navigate the stars
Tuesday 09 July 2019, 3 to 3.30pm
Join us to explore celestial navigation in our special Matariki-themed school holiday event
Poles Apart - Feel the force
Thursday 11 July 2019, 3 to 3.30pm
Join us for some science fun exploring the forces of magnets and gravity
Poles Apart - Calligraphy
Tuesday 16 July 2019, 3 to 3.30pm
Thursday 18 July 2019, 3 to 3.30pm
Join us to learn skills in both Chinese and Western European calligraphy
On Tuesday, we will learn about Chinese calligraphy and design and begin an illuminated initial (the paint needs to dry overnight)
On Thursday, we will finish our illuminated initial and learn about Western European calligraphy