Helensville Library and Service Centre update

Auckland Council Libraries staff in Helensville are receiving praise for stepping up to continue delivering library and council services to their local community – throughout a challenging year. Renewal works to address maintenance and seismic strengthening issues at the Helensville War Memorial and Library building, which also houses Kaipara RSA, Plunket, Art Centre Helensville, and the Helensville/Waimauku Family Budgeting Service, started in October 2022.

Unexpected issues have extended the completion timeframe, including the removal of asbestos detected in parts of the building.  The library has been able to continue operating up until October this year, when remedial works to update the library fire exits began.

Since then, the team has set up a temporary library in a mobile bus, providing an alternative space for customers to browse books and other reading resources once the library building had closed.  The bus’s electrical system then developed a fault, so staff adapted once again to work on laptops while a replacement bus was considered.

To minimise further changes, the library team have opted instead for a small but welcoming service in the library’s front foyer that will continue until repairs have been completed – estimated to be in late February 2024.

Helensville Library manager Sally Hardwick says customers can choose ‘Take 5’ lucky-dip bags and a click-and-collect service at the foyer throughout summer, along with printing, scanning services, and Wi-Fi.

“Our focus has been to ensure access to our collections and services remain available to everyone. We are grateful for the understanding and support our customers have expressed and we are looking forward to inviting them back into our library in the New Year, to have the opportunity to browse our collections once again,” says Sally.

Helensville Library services are available from the library’s front foyer.  Meanwhile, book requests can be submitted via email at helenlib@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz and most council services are available from the foyer. Tables and chairs are available to read the paper, sign paperwork, or to sit and have a chat.

Regular events and programmes are continuing through summer, with Santa expected to make a library visit on 21 December.

Auckland Council’s General Manager of Parks and Community Facilities Taryn Crewe says internal weather tightness issues have led to the library project expanding in scope and taking longer than expected, on top of the challenges encountered to complete the rest of the building works.

“We understand the current situation may be frustrating for some people but, by early next year, Helensville will have a building that is well set up to serve the community for many years to come. It’s important for us to get this right.

“We do appreciate the support customers have shown for the tremendous work our library team is doing throughout this process,” she says.

Once the works are finished, the library will have a new wheelchair accessible ramp to the car park and fully compliant fire exits in place, as well as a new office area.

Meanwhile, customers can continue to return books to the Helensville Library or to any other Tamaki Makaurau library site.

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