Helensville Library and Service Centre update for September

September is Crime Fiction Month at Helensville Library

Did you know Crime books are our most popular loan items?

We have a large selection in many different categories.  See our displays to find a new author.

Have you read everything by your favourite author? 

We have reading suggestions to help fill in the gap till the next title is available.

Did you miss a title from a favourite author during 2020 or 2021? 

Check out our special 2020/21 display.

Regular events:

Kids Time:

Wednesdays, 10am to 10.30am.  Under 6s and their grown-ups are invited to share songs, rhymes, and stories.


Thursdays at 3.30pm.  We have sessions for both adults and children.  These sessions are a chance to learn new skills, teach others, and chat.

Book Chat

Fourth Thursday of the month at 10am.  A chance to share books you’ve read and enjoyed – or read and hated! – with fellow readers.

This will be on Thursday 28 September at 10am.

Rates for the 2023/2024 year:

Are you eligible for a property rates rebate?

You can pick up a form from us, or use the online guide to find out.

The closing date for property rate rebates for the 2023/2024 financial year is 30 June 2024.


How to contact us:

If you have the direct dial number for Helensville Service Centre, please be aware that we are not always able to answer the phone. Your best option is to phone the main Council number.

Auckland Council (open 24/7 and toll free): 09 301 0101.

Auckland Libraries: 0800 695 427

If your question is directly related to Helensville Library – you can email us on: helenlib@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.

The Library and Service Centre is open our usual hours:

Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 5pm.  Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm.

Council services are available during these hours.   If there are any changes to our opening hours and availability, we will update our Facebook page.


Anne Coppell

Senior Librarian / Poukôkiri - Children & Youth

Helensville Library and Service Centre

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