20 March 2020
Following today’s announcement from Auckland Council on its response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), all Auckland Libraries will be closing from the end of the day (Friday 20 March), until further notice. This decision will be reviewed in two weeks.
This decision hasn’t been made lightly, but the safety and wellbeing of our customers, staff and communities in Auckland is our utmost priority.
• If you have any library items, please hold onto them and do not return them to the library until we re-open. All book re- turns slots will be closed from the end of the day Friday 20 March until we re-open.
• You will not accrue any late fines on library items that you are holding or requests you have not picked up. This will be back- dated to Saturday 16 March.
• Any notices you receive regarding overdue books or fines from Saturday 16 March, please disregard. Fines will not ac- crue while libraries are closed.
• Any library item requests will be held and will be available for you to pick up when we re-open. We understand that this is an unsettling time, however, please be reassured that you will still have access to our extensive eCollections and online resources.
Please visit the Auckland Libraries website for more informa- tion, how to login and manage your library account, and access our eCollections and online resources.
We will keep you updated via the Auckland Libraries website as the situation develops.
Additional information is available on COVID-19 Thank you for your understanding during this time. Kind regards Mirla Edmundson, General Manager Libraries