Helensville library news

Adult fiction being created

Things do not look the same as last year in Helensville Library. I blame Sally. Sally blames me. But, whoever started the conversation… we followed through with the plans.
Beginning before Christmas, the Helensville Library team rearranged almost the whole library! Most of the work was done in the three days between the Christmas and New Year’s long weekends.
Sally, Anya and I – along with the absolutely amazing Jess (a teen volunteer) spent that time moving books, dismantling shelving, putting up shelving – into their new configuration.
Basically, the adult collections are by the entrance, and the children’s and teens’ are down the back.
We can’t believe how much space we seem to have everywhere – and we didn’t reduce the number of books in order to make everything fit.
Apart from that, we have copies of the Helensville A&P show competition schedule if you

Children's fiction

are looking for one.
Our regular events and outreach programmes start again in February, after Waitangi Day. The first Kids Time of the year will be on Thursday 11 February.
I have contacted (or am about to) schools and ECEs to schedule visits for the next few months. If your school or ECE hasn’t heard from me, please get in touch.
Our email address is: helenlib@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Or you can message us on Facebook: facebook.com/HelensvilleLibrary.
Anne Coppell
Senior Librarian / Poukôkiri - Children & Youth
Helensville Library

Looking down to the children's area

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