Having lived in Helensville for almost four years, artist William Robert Boyd has put paint to canvas to celebrate his new hometown in the 13-work exhibition ‘Aspects of Helensville’. Most of the paintings are of single buildings, such as the Captain’s House, the former BNZ, which is now William’s home, and St Joseph’s Church (pictured). But, rather than show the buildings in their literal context, William playfully shows them decontextualised and from a new, thought-provoking perspective. His home is seen surrounded by kauri and disappearing into the mist, for example, while the church appears to be floating off into the clouds. Other paintings depict images of the town’s landscape (the wharf, for example), inviting the viewer to see the town in a new way.
The exhibition, which will be held in William’s studio at the former BNZ, will open on Sunday 15th April and will run for four weeks. For further information contact William on 0211601395.