Helensville Women & Family Centre offer workshops

We are excited to announce that Steph Holloway from Elemental Potentialwill be running the following workshops. Register early as there are limited spaces. Email elementalsteph@gmail.comor phone 027 6680067 or alternatively contact Tania at Helensville Women & Family Centre info@hwfc.co.nz or phone 4207992.
Communication That Kids Understand
Tues 25th July 10am-2pm $30
It’s interactive - you can join in, yes, there will be crayons. You’ll learn heaps.
For mums/dads, teachers, caregivers, educators of all types. Life changing information and techniques in this workshop. I’ve put a years’ worth of research into it and I’m very proud of it. Want to get a grip on communication with kids? How would you like a conflict-free, peaceful, compassionate way to communicate? Body language and communication tips that work for any age. Communication that looks for the ‘win-win’ not the winner! Free class notes and all resources included. My e-book on Communication that kids Understand is available to buy in the online store. www.elementalpotential.com
Compassionate Assertiveness for Women
Tues 25th July 7pm-9pm $30
What’s your biggest fear? Being labelled bossy, weak if you act like a woman? Women have a unique set of challenges – and here’s the kicker……you don’t have to act like a man to get ahead in business, in life! You have to act like you – and be assertive around men and women. Straight assertiveness doesn’t work for many reasons it can alienate, get you a label you don’t (or do) deserve, and still at the end of all that may not get you what you want or it does, and it’s often at the expense of someone else’s feelings! This workshop, exclusively for women sees straight through outdated stereotypes, and gives you simple to manage communication tools that once mastered alter every aspect of your life home, work, relationships.
You will learn the basics of compassionate assertiveness in action:
! Looking for the win-win, not the winner
! Seeking first to understand, then be understood
! Learn to “see it, say it”©
! Use “low and slow”© to aid conflict resolution
! Clear, concise, concrete communication - with no surprises
! Body confidence
! Here’s what I’m bringing to the table: The art of dismissive behaviour. The 3 D’s – do it, dump it; delegate it
Body Language – Build your Skills
Thurs 27th July 7pm-9pm $30
How to recognise and de-code body language. If you’ve always had a sneaky feeling that you are missing something when you are engaging with someone, that’s because you’re right. Talking is 7% of all communication 93% is non-verbal! What you are looking at when you recognise and de-code someone’s body language is not merely what they are THINKING, you are looking at what they are FEELING! Imagine your life if you noticed more, observed more, and was more in-tune with what was happening in every single human interaction throughout your day. Your happiness level would go up exponentially, your stress level would go down radically, your confidence level in situations improved, your self-worth at its highest ever, as people respond to you differently when they know how you feel and you them. Recognising body language can be a game changer. Come and join in a fun 2 hour session where you will learn the basics.

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