by Helen Martin
You’ll have noticed the yarn-bombed tree outside the Helensville library signalling another Labour Weekend Arts in the Ville. Word has it that the event is now so popular out-of-towners are coming here for the weekend of 26 – 28 October so they can take in as much of the festival as they can.
As well as the usual line-up of local artists (more on that in later HCN issues), this year’s event will include much that’s new. Venues used for the first time for artists to exhibit their work will include the Men’s Centre, Eleventh Hour Gifts and St John’s Op Shop.
The new craft collective at The Shoppe (down at the railway station) will have their work on show and Kaukapakapa steampunk artist John Cameron will be a popular drawcard, as will Amy Howatt, with her one-of-a-kind garments.
For their inaugural participation in Arts in the Ville the local floral art group plan to decorate the Catholic Church and the Masonic Hall.
While the Helensville Community Hall is a regular festival venue, this year it will be enlivened by more activities, including weaving, potting and sculpting.
Check out the latest at Arts in the Ville’s Facebook page.