Kaipara Coast Plant Centre & Sculpture Gardens



Property Value Optimisation
Sunday 12th June
(9.30am to 11.30)

Whether you live in a town house, on a traditional quarter acre or lifestyle block your home is likely to be your most significant financial asset. Consequently maintaining or enhancing its utility to achieve optimal resell value is of course very important.

We ran a similar presentation, which proved to be extremely popular, 2 years ago and given the prevailing property environment thought it worth repeating as a useful alternative to our usual Sunday workshop topics.

Our presenters this time will be Jane Burmester and Brendon Smith. Jane is owner of Burmester Realty, a local independent agency specialising in the Auckland, Rodney and Waikato areas. Brendon is co-owner of Parallax Consulting in Warkworth who specialise in most aspects of surveying, project management and civil



As business owners with high levels of experience within the property space Jane and Brendon will be able to offer relevant and knowledgeable information.

Whilst Jane and Brendon will be making a brief presentation this is a great opportunity to question them about areas of personal interest regarding your home and the current market and thus gain some independent insight into both opportunities as well as potential property strategies to avoid.

After the workshop you can stroll through our beautiful, recently extended 3.5Km nature trail which contains over 40 marvellous sculptures created for our 2022 exhibition by local and international artists on display.*

We also have our cute little coffee shop on site plus of course the Plant Centre for you to browse through.

Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will also be on hand to help with any garden related questions.

* The trail is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchairs or walking frames; additional entry charge applies.

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