Kaipara korero

Recently Kaipara College held a very successful open night for prospective students for 2023. We were delighted to host more than 400 guests throughout the night. The guests were treated to snippets of the amazing learning activities that occur everyday at Kaipara College. We had 150 current students volunteer to be school ambassadors for the night and each and every one did themselves and the school proud.
The feedback from our guests was overwhelmingly positive with much excitement shown by our prospective students and their whanau. Much of the feedback I received was about how marvelous our student ambassadors were and that they were obviously very proud to show their school off.
On the night some of our Y9 students explained to the guests what life and learning was like at Kaipara College in their first year of college, how much Kaipara College had to offer, how they had managed the change from primary school and the many things to look forward to. One of our Head Students, Billie Stroobent reflected on her five years at Kaipara College, all the wonderful opportunities she had taken up and how school has prepared her for the big, wide world beyond.
I spoke about our mission and purpose as a school and our two cornerstones of belonging and success.
“At Kaipara College we work with our students and their whanau to support them to be resilient in the face of challenges, discover who they are, cultivate the abilities needed for them to shape their own lives and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them.
We strive for our Kaipara College students to have mana, purpose, opportunities and choices in life.”
I also outlined some of the many reasons why someone would choose Kaipara College for their child and highlighted what our current students say about their school.

I am very proud to be the Principal of such a vibrant, community minded school, one that the students enjoy coming to, feel they belong to and where they are supported and challenged to be the very best version of themselves they can be.
Thank you to all those people who make Kaipara College the great school it is.

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