Sunday 19th September 9am - 1pm
Good Sports
Long before the days of virtual reality there were actual families and communities connected by organised recreation. In a time when travelling any great distance was difficult, there was a need to make your own fun closer to home, and make fun they did.
Gatherings took place which were as much about socialising as exercising and competing - a way to keep up with the news of village life.
In 1885 the Kaukapakapa Jockey Club was formed and the first race meeting held which was attended by over 300 people. School swimming was a ‘boys only’ affair, which involved stripping off behind a hawthorn hedge, swimming naked and then running
up and down the paddock to dry off. That’s until the girls wanted in....... Next came a tennis club with courts marked out at the school, the Kaukapakapa Rifle Club in 1914, the Bowling Green in 1929 and the school pool in 1953. Add to this rugby, croquet,
horse riding, hockey and cricket to name a few, and you can conjure up an image of a thriving active community. Come along to the library and view old photos and more from
Kaukapakapa’s sporting past. If you have any old photos or trophies bring them along, we love to take copies to add to the Library’s archives. For more info contact Megan, 021 959017, Library open in conjunction with the Kaukapakapa Village Market.