Kaukapakapa Library closes the door

It’s been an eventful eight years since Sarah Legg and Megan Paterson voluntarily reopened the little Kaukapakapa Library as an adjunct to the successful Kaukapakapa Village Market, with Sarah later stepping back to focus solely on the Market.
Prior to this the library had been locked and left for sixteen years, unavailable for community use. Determined to give it a purpose again, it has since hosted monthly events ranging from exhibitions to visiting authors, fundraisers to featuring in a BBC documentary.
The commitment over the years has included running the Kaukapakapa Library Photo Competition, the Kaukapakapa Library Short Story Competition, and each December ‘Santa’ has visited, complete with elves. Thank you goes to the many who have taken on the challenge of being the attraction in the library and all those in the community who have offered their interest and support. A huge thank you to Athol McLachlan who has always made available his time and local knowledge at our many events.
The library has accumulated a lot of Kaukapakapa history which will be transferred to the Te Awaroa, Helensville Museum to ensure it’s availability for the future. Megan looks forward to contributing more time to some of her other local interests while acknowledging the many friends and acquaintances she has had the good fortune to meet. Contact Megan at threehorses@xtra.co.nz or 021 959017 if you require further information.

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