Letter to the editor
Does our community know about a resource consent application for the construction and operation of a solar farm comprising over 82,000 solar panels on 286 acres?
Located at 23 Rogan Ave, Helensville, the proposal is to supply into the local electricity transmission network, effectively providing the equivalent domestic demand for over 13,000 homes.
As a neighbouring property which will be visually affected by this significantly changing view and the glare/reflection of the panels, we have concerns:
* Some of our neighbours were shocked to hear about this from us, as a limited number of residents were advised. We received information from Williamson Water & Land Advisory - conveniently for developer HES Aotearoa Limited, when everyone was on holiday and may not have time to protest this or have their say.
* Our rural environment could be transformed. We moved here 11 years ago to enjoy a rural setting with all its benefits, not to live in an industrial area.
* What are the ramifications of so many solar panels to our environment, bird life, natural flora, and localised private land valuations?
* Can reflected heat generated, effect the atmosphere in the town?
The resource consent is needed for stormwater discharge, infrastructure within a natural hazard area (floodplain and coastal inundation) and establishing an electricity generation facility. It is also required to cover the discharge of water within a 100m setback from a natural wetland.
Is this in reality the most appropriate place for this facility in the first place situated within 3 kms from Helensville township?
Concerned neighbours, Helensville