Christmas Book Fair
The Christmas Book Fair was held on the weekend of 2nd and 3rd of December, at the Helensville A&P Association’s Showgrounds. The weather managed to hold off on Saturday but deteriorated on Sunday. Book sales totalled $8,413, down on May but still a very satisfactory result. Further adding to the funds raised were the proceeds from the raffle, sale of Christmas cakes and the BBQ Trailer. All funds raised are deposited into the Lions Club of Helensville Charitable Trust and are used to help those individuals or organisations in our community who are in the need of assistance.
Thank you to all who donated so many high-quality books, without you it would not have been possible to hold the event. Thanks also to the families of Club members who were with us all weekend and the students from Kaipara College who helped in the set up on Friday, also the Kaukapakapa/Helensville Scout troop and Friends of Lions who assisted in packing up and cleaning the Hall on Sunday. Putting together a book fair is an all-round team effort and we would not be able to cope without the assistance we receive from our community. Especially the Helensville A&P Show who gave us the unlimited use of their grounds for the lead up to the weekend, this will now be our home for the foreseeable future. A special thanks to Burmester Realty for letting us use their premises as a drop off point.
The books left over will be re-sorted with damaged or unsaleable books going to the Helensville Recycle Centre. Surplus children’s books go to South Auckland for distribution to Play-centres and Kindergartens. Other books are sold at the Lions book stall at the Village Market, which is held on the third Sunday of each month and is also held at the Helensville A&P Showgrounds.
The next Book Fair is our Autumn Book Fair which will be held on the last weekend of May, Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th.
As a further service to the community the Helensville Lions will accept books throughout the year. Small amounts can be left with Burmester Realty, Commercial Road, Helensville, otherwise contact Chris at 420 8527 or any other member of the Lions Club of Helensville.