Lions Club of Helensville Community Directory 2019 needs your help

The Community Phone Directory has all the local phone numbers you might want, from your neighbour along the road to local businesses who need your support in the Helensville, Parakai, Kaukapakapa, Shelly Beach, South Head, Waitoki and surrounding Districts.
Helensville Lions have produced the Directory for the last 30 years, using information supplied by “Yellow Pages”.
Lions use the proceeds from advertising to support community projects such as Rautawhiri Park, the Kaipara Medical Centre, School Camps, the Spirit of Adventure and sporting scholarships.
Because of restructuring, “Yellow Pages” are unable to provide us with local names and phone numbers to create the Directory and they no longer supply residences with their “White Pages”. This means you would need to use a computer every time you want to know a local number!
Helensville Lions want to continue to produce the Helensville Lions Community Directory. We can only include your details if we have your permission. This information will ONLY be used for the Directory. Please help build the Helensville Lions Community Directory 2019.
This month will see the Helensville Lions Community Directory 2018 delivered to your letterbox. In this is a flyer simply complete the box at the bottom fold this notice to form a “Postage paid” addressed envelope or drop the form at the Helensville Library or email the information to

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