Looking back in time “Helensville Community News February 2012” Helensville Medical Centre Screens

Helensville based sculptor Jeff Thomson has been commissioned by the Helensville District Health Board to design and construct two screens for the outside of the Kaipara Medical Centre in Helensville. Thomson is renowned for his sculptures, which predominantly use corrugated iron. Some of his more well known pieces include the corrugated iron clad HQ Holden Station Wagon in the collection of Te Papa Tongawera, Wellington, the giant Gumboot in Taihape, the tin Elephant at the Auckland Zoo and of course the recently installed Helensville toilets. On one screen, it is anticipated that words relating to the historical and cultural past and present of Helensville (and the wider Kaipara region), will be plasma cut into steel to create a lace like effect. The second screen will also use wording cut in as above, but wording which reflects more a personal response from individuals and or families from the Kaipara region — their own history, rather than that of the official or well known. This could take the form of memories, personal experiences, places and sites that are of a particular focus where something of importance or significance has happened. It may be single words, a paragraph or take the form of a poem. The screens will be made in 6 mm thick steel and each will be 2.4m square. Each screen will be galvanised and painted. If you would like to be involved and have any information/words you would like included, please either send to PO Box 149 Helensville 0840, email to jefshone@iprolink.co.nz, ph 09 420 8922 or write down and drop off at the Kaipara Medical Centre.

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