Looking back in time Helensville Community News January 2012 Issue Santa Parade, highlight for the Children

It was a busy day for the Lions Club of Helensville, who were proud to be part of a great Helensville Community event – the annual Santa Parade. We helped to prepare the Leos’ Club Parade Float (many thanks to Helensville Mitre 10 for the loan of their truck). We then had a briefing for the “marshalling’ duties during the parade – ensuring safety of on-lookers and proper road closures etc. Meanwhile, we had a stall selling raffle tickets for our “Running of the Roses” raffle to be held on 11th February 2012 (which entails buying a rose for Valentines’ day, which will then be floated down the River Kaipara - the first six out of the water winning major prizes), and also Lions Christmas Cakes, Lions Cook Books.After a short interlude, we were once again fundraising at ‘Carols in the Park’ in Parakai. Its always a pleasure to be able to thank those who go ‘the extra mile’ to help us help others; one such was Tom Hilton (8years old). Tom made chocolate fudge, which he then sold, and he then donated the entire proceeds to the Lions. A very creditable act, particularly as the kids were asked to dream up a personal fund raising project and donate Half to a charity of their choice, well worth commemorating with a certificate, which was presented to him by our President Matt Hampton. Yes, a busy (and long!) day for the Lions Club of Helensville!

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