Love Flowers reborn

Following a recent stay in hospital, then going back into Lockdown during August helped me make the decision to work from home.
As they say, when one door closes another one opens, and I have never before been as busy as I am now. Thank you to all my regular clients. I am still doing what I love, by providing stunning yet affordable flowers to my customers.
Working from home has given me the freedom to choose my own hours and be my own boss. With a courier service delivering my flowers and just one part-time staff member, I am able to get back out into the community, network with people and even take time out to visit our local cafés for a much needed coffee.
My new shop is located at 30 Downer Street. It took only three weeks to be transformed from my garage to a shop. It was an amazing transformation and the speed at which it was accomplished took my breath away. Within three days the painting crew had everything painted. The builder came next, removing the garage roller door and putting in a ranch slider for easy access. It also allows the light to flood into the shop, making it not only a wonderful place to work, but also a wonderful space to display the flowers. After the door came the floor. Down went vinyl and carpet and finally the shop fittings went in so the giftware and flowers could all be properly displayed.
The result is like a dream come true.
Buisness hours 9am to 5 pm Monday to Saturday shop open by appointment please ring to order flowers and confirm I will be here.
*Fresh Flower markets Monday, Wednesday, Friday* Flowers for special occasions can be arranged and delivered to any venue in the area
Mel Dickins 021 295 2117

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