Mataia Restoration Project (MRP)

The government’s recent announcement that it is setting up Predator Free NZ with the goal of having New Zealand predator free by 2050 is great news for the project. Pest and predator control is an ongoing battle at Mataia and Kiwis for Kiwi staff Michelle Impey, Paul O’Shea and Sarah Nutbrown have decided to take responsibility for a trap line. Their input will be big help, particularly over spring and summer when traps are checked every 2 – 3 weeks.
Footage monitoring the Mataia Kiwi by motion sensor camera can be seen on YouTube (type in Mataia Kiwi). The Kiwi are also being monitored by acoustic recorders.
The winter planting season was a great success and included a Friends and Family Planting Day and a Meadowbank School Planting Day. Treescape Environmental also planted trees and laid bait for rat control. MRP is thankful for the substantial contributions to planting at Mataia this year made by the Auckland Council, through funding from the Regional Environment and Heritage Fund, and by the Rodney Local Board.

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