Top tips to kick that cold
With winter now on our door step, the coughs and cold season has started. So, it’s important to fight a cold as soon as you start to feel sick – runny nose, a tickle in the throat, etc. Here are some tips to help you once the symptoms start.
Raw garlic
Eating raw garlic at the first signs of a sniffle can be hugely beneficial. Crush 1 to 2 cloves of garlic, spread on to buttered toast and eat. Adding chopped parsley or mixing the garlic with raw honey is beneficial too.
Salt and water gargle
At the first signs of a sore throat put ¼ of a t-spoon of sea or Himalayan salt into a cup and add in ½ a cup of recently boiled water. Once the salt has dissolved and water has cooled, gargle and spit out. Do this every hourly.
Open 1-2 pro-biotic capsules and tip the powder into the back of your throat - hold it there before swallowing. This allows the good bacteria to fight the bad bacteria in your throat, nose and ear canals.
Eat vitamin C rich foods (oranges, lemon, kiwifruit and berries) and take other supplements like Echinacea, zinc and Colloidal Silver.
Keep warm & sleep
Rug up, rest and drink plenty of water until you feel better.
The more you look after yourself at the beginning of a cold the quicker you will be back to feeling healthy.
For some immunity boosting tips to keep you well this winter, go to
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