MOTV8N to succeed

Kim McNamara

Kim McNamara

Spring is in the air...
It is a great time of year to think about what you might like to achieve before the end of the year.
Anything is possible between now and then...
What do you see yourself doing over the Summer months?  Is there something you can put in place now?  What little step can you use to move yourself forward?
Take a moment to think imagine what you would like to be doing. In your mind’s eye, see if you can make a clear vision of what this will look like. What will you be doing? Who will you be doing it with? How will you be feeling about having achieved a goal that you have wanted for a long time? Who is your support group going to be?  Who are those around you that are positive and helpful and may offer encouragement when you doubt yourself? What research can you do to move yourself forward with your goal?
Put an exact date on this goal, put it on the calendar.
Boom, so go forth today, and create your plan that could be your first step.
Have Fun...Kim and team
Kim McNamara, Hypnotherapist/Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner Phone/Text 027 978 5970, Appointment Booking at Health World, Westgate 09 831-0304

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