On Wednesday 24th of February, Helensville Primary School was visited by the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run group. This group is trying to promote peace by running a relay all around the world. They have visited over 150 different countries and have brought together the aspirations of thousands of communities and millions of people. We shared songs and the ambassadors gave us a certificate and piece of artwork named ‘Perfection’ that was drawn by the one and only Sri Chinmoy (the founder of this Peace Run).
A group of students from Year 7/8 were selected to run up Garfield Road and into the school assembly with the peace torch and the flag. Then the Peace runners told us a little bit about their run and some of the experiences that they have had with other people from around the world. Also they shared some messages of peace and performed some skits on how we can all show peace. Overall, we had a really fun time.
You can learn more here at www.peacerun.org/nz.