Popular Artist Talks set to continue.

The popular new series of Artists Talks, looking at the spiritual journeys of the Renaissance Artists are set to continue at the Helensville Community Church on the 4th Sunday of the month over the next few months. These talks form the focal part of their ‘Cafe Style Services’ running for an hour from 10.30am at 40 Mill Road.

‘Cafe Church’ is a very relaxed style of service with finger food and drinks being available throughout and questions welcomed from those attending.

Talks are as follows: Sunday 28th April Michelangelo - Fall; Sunday 26th May Caravaggio - Passion; Sunday 23rd June Rembrandt - Reflection; Sunday 25th August Vincent Van Gogh .

The talks are by local blacksmith Chris Ellwood, excepting the final one, which will be led by Karyn, Chris’ wife, who is a painter and potter.  Chris and Karyn will take you through the lives of these artists as they look at the influences of passion, pain and the papacy on their work.

For more information email paulinekiwidenton@gmail.com

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