Helensville Women & Family Centre have contributed to Waitemata Whanau Collective’s
44-page support resource produced to help guide families as they cope with the challenges of Covid-19. The four specialist family violence agencies making up the Waitemata Whanau Collective are Family Action, Man Alive, Kia Tîmata Anô Trust and North Harbour Living without Violence.
Ideas and information designed to help manage stress, support wellbeing and relationships and entertain the kids are laid out in ways that are accessible and user-friendly. Discussion of things like how to keep calm when reaching boiling point, to plan to keep yourself and kids safe, to provide activities for kids at home, manage the process of working through anxiety, manage your finances and access support services is clear and well presented.
The booklet is an excellent resource and is free. You can access it at https://kaipara.ibcdn.nz/media/2020_04_10_covid19-support-resources-april2020.pdf