Rodney Local Board update from Mark Dennis

Rodney Local Board update

from Mark Dennis

Food Scraps.

Turning waste into resource.  Can you believe that our leftovers (Food waste) make up 11% of what goes into our landfills by weight (41% of household waste), that’s almost the same as the amount of plastic that we dump. Worse than that, our food waste makes up 28% of landfill emissions, that’s 71,400 tonnes of CO2 per year, this is worse than all the waste from the building industry. Who would have thought that sandwich crusts, apple cores and lunchbox leftovers would be so bad for our environment.

Food Scrap bins are coming to most parts of Auckland but Rural areas like Helensville are missing out (don’t worry this means we aren’t being charged for it). But if you are missing out on a Food Scrap bin, it’s a great opportunity to start thinking about how you can reduce your food waste and look at composting or warm farming what you do have.

To see if you are getting a Food Scrap Bin – Search your address at

For more info on the Bins go to

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