by Olivia Simpson, Head Student, Kaipara College

Students Tyrone Brown left & Dylan Southern right getting the treatment
The purpose of Shave for a Cure is not only to raise essential funds for Leukemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand, but to stand in solidarity with those who are suffering from these conditions.
In August 2019 Kaipara College students, Caitlin Kay and Olivia Simpson organised a Shave for a Cure with the students and teachers who agreed to shave their heads raised in excess of $4000.00. On Friday the 5th of June this year Kaipara College again took part in Shave for a Cure. This year the event was organised by the College’s Student Leaders with support from those at Shave for a Cure.
With the help of our community, our eight shavers were able to contribute over $7200 to this fantastic cause. Nearly double last year’s total. Our amazing team of eight included Tyrone Brown (year 13 student), Ian Cribbens (teacher), Kingston Dean (year10 student), Stephanie Hale (teacher), Seth Lawes (year 13 student), Nikita Lyons (year 12 student), Ethan Payn (year 13 student), and Dylan Southern (year 13 student).
To add to the fun, a number of them dyed their hair a variety of colours from the rainbow. The atmosphere in our school hall was electric as each had their head shaved by either Ian Cribbens or Greg McClarin. On the way to being bald, our teachers put their hairdressing skills to the test. The hairstyles included mullets, rats tails, mohawks and more! They were eagerly cheered on and supported by their peers, teachers, and family who made for a wonderful audience.
To all of those who were a part of our event, we are beyond grateful, you were what made our event come alive.

and after

Teacher Stephanie Hale before