Shelly Beach foreshore upgrade

A massive $1.5 million project to upgrade Shelly Beach is well underway. To fight erosion, a new seawall and five groynes to modify sea currents and wave energy to help trap sand on the beach are being constructed. Additional sand from the Kaipara Harbour is being placed between the groynes and there will be a new walkway along the shore to connect the playground and parking areas.
Around 3200-square metres of mangroves have been removed, giving the beach a very different look. The large structure at the south end of the reserve resembles a sound shell but is there to house machinery and other equipment being used in the upgrade.
Ian McLean from Birds New Zealand has said that the banded rail, kingfisher, and Australasian bittern will be adversely affected by losing cover that enables them to hide from predators and by losing feeding territory, but oystercatchers and godwits that use mudflats will benefit from the increase in area of open mud and sand flats for wading and feeding.

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