Enjoy an evening of spoken word at the ‘Open Mic’ night at the Helensville Community Church, 40 Mill Road, from 7pm, Saturday 27th April
$3 cover charge. Bring a plate of goodies and an original piece of writing or a treasured piece to read/share.
The evening will feature a book launch by local author L. J. Bernard. Hear excerpts from her book ‘Insurmountable Faith’, which follows the journey of Gemma as she cares for her husband after he sustains a head injury.
A review: “Insurmountable Faith is a poignant read, which clearly shows the trauma of caring for someone with Dementia!” Jill Barnes B.A.(French), Dip Tchg, Diploma in SLD(Module3).
Books will be available for just $28. For more information contact Pauline paulinekiwidenton@gmail.com