Kia ora koutou.
Nâtôrourou, nâtakurourouka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive September has brought changes and challenges at Helensville Library.
Inspired by a challenge set by customers across NgâPatakaKôrero o TâmakiMakaurau (Auckland Libraries) – Helensville Library has set up a Kôrero Corner.
TePâtakaKôrero o Awaroa (Helensville Library) welcomes speakers of tereo Mâori – of whatever ability – and offers a safe and comfortable space to learn, practice, and share their knowledge of tereo Mâori.
Buoyed by this, we have moved our Kohinga Mâori Collection from two jammed bays of shelves, behind the public computers, to the end of the adult non-fiction – and taking up four bays. The collection is now right beside the KôreroCorner, and is showcased to all.
So, if you head to where cooking used to be, you’ll find knitting! Ask staff if you’re feeling a bit lost.
Also in September, the toilets in the complex had new ventilation installed. We hope you all survived the process.
The end of September means the school holidays. The theme these holidays is Time Turner. Each day, between 3pm and 4pm, we will have special time-related activities. For the week beginning Monday 8 October, members of Helensville Women’s Institute will teach and share some classic crafts and skills. As well as the specific activities, we will have activity sheets for children to complete in the library and / or take home.
The Helensville Library Facebook page hit a couple of milestones in September – we now have over 400 followers and page likes. It would be great if we keep increasing this number. You can find us at:
We farewelled our beloved Jenny this month. Kia kaha, Jenny, for your new life. Know that the Helensville Library team will always have your back. Aroha mai, aroha atu (love towards us, love directed out from us).
Ka kite ano.
Anne, Senior Librarian / Poukôkiri
Helensville Library