Taking the Pulse of Community Health Services

Residents of South Kaipara are being asked for their thoughts on health services in the area in a major survey of the community.
The project is being carried out by the Helensville District Health Trust with support from Waitemata District Health Board and ProCare Health Ltd.  It is being led by Dr Carol Barker, a Public Health Medicine Registrar.
The intention is to get as much community feedback as possible on what health services people think are easy or difficult to use, and what services they’d like to see more of.
The consultation has been prompted by the Health Trust needing to make decisions about the future of Alison McKenzie House on the corner of Commercial Road and Porter Crescent in central Helensville.
Board Chairperson Erica McKenzie says while it was an unexpected challenge when Alison McKenzie House was deemed unsafe and closed in May last year, it has created an exciting opportunity to ensure that what happens on the site now will meet the future needs of the community.
“If we’re going to be creating a building to meet the future needs of our community, it’s really important the community tells us what they want,” says Erica McKenzie.
“We’re also interested in hearing what people think about smart technologies and how we can best use them especially for those populations who find it harder to access healthcare. It all goes towards the Health Trust’s vision of South Kaipara as the healthiest rural community in New Zealand.”
Survey forms will be available at various locations around South Kaipara, including the Kaipara Medical Centre and Te Whare Oranga o Parakai.
Visit helensvilledistricthealthtrust.co.nz for a full list of locations where you can pick up a survey and for the link to complete the survey online. The final report for this project is due in March 2018. For more information on the survey email engagement@waitematadhb.govt.nz .

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