Tennis club news

Helensville Tennis Club members held a special meeting in May to update their constitution hold a prize giving and share a potluck dinner.
With the courts currently being rebuilt the club champs can’t be held, but some awards were presented.

Winners Business House Mixed Doubles: David Sipa, Annette Hemehema, Parakai Springs
Most Improved Male: Dion Tilson
Most Improved Female: Lana Cooper
Junior Club Most Promising: Ashleigh Edlington
Above & Beyond Club Spirit: Annette Hemehema
Tennis Northern InterclubBoys Premier 2: Ben Ruzich, Karl Ruzich, Josiah Sipa
Tennis Northern InterclubGirls Premier 1: Kendrah Smith, Rosie Smith, Angelina Sipa
Coaches’ Choice for enthusiasm, dedication and consistency: Alexander Zvyagintsev, Nicholas Zvyagintsev, Gemma Bayly.

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