The King’s first birthday celebrations at Craigweil

June saw Craigweil House celebrate the King’s ‘First’ Birthday in honour of our newly crowned King in New Zealand! We made our own crowns, chose our King and Queen and dressed up for the occasion. One of the highlights of the day was an outstanding performance of Dawn’s poetry. This was a nice way to come together as a group to strengthen our community.

We also went on a bus trip to Orewa last month, had ice cream and enjoyed a touch of winter sunshine and a change of scenery, it was a beautiful day!

Art has a therapeutic effect on the emotional wellbeing of older people and we try to organise social clubs for our residents with artistic interest as much as we can. The residents painted a lot offspring and animal themes, and got a lot of satisfaction from having their art work displayed on the walls.

The birthday girl

Dawn's poetry

The King and Queen

Trip to Orewa

Social Club

Social Club

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