We were pleased to get the donated trees planted to finish off the walkway. Our thanks to all who turned out to help us especially youth. They were an enormous help. Do use the walkway – it makes a pleasant riverside walk or you could use it as part of a keep fit circuit!.
We have given financial assistance to several groups – namely the Tennis Club; SPCA for their building fund; SKY Trust for youth; and the Rescue Helicopter Trust.
In memory of the late Lion Dave Darwick, who was a Past District Governor and was the Lions (NZ) Executive Officer, we donated towards the Honour Roll. We also gave financial assistance to a family who lost their home in a fire.
Our thanks to Brian in Copy and Print for allowing us to use his premises as a collection point for Books being donated for our next Book Fair at the end of November. Also look out for our Lions Christmas Cakes on sale soon.
We are still collecting used spectacles and old and foreign currencies. Collection boxes around town.
If you are considering joining us, please contact any Lion and come along to one of our meetings. We would love to see you. If you think you can only spare a few hours to help out at one of our fundraising events, do let us know and we can make you a Friend of Lions. All very welcome.