October was a busy month for Helensville Lions. We helped with the collection for Pink Ribbon Day; supported Mitre 10 with their Spring Open Day and held our monthly BBQ and Book sales at Kaukapakapa Market.
We held our first Community Spring Fair in the Memorial Hall, the idea being for Clubs and individuals to have a stall to raise funds for their project. We thank everyone who participated and for those who came to make it a success.
Our Club hosted our District Governor and Waimauku Lions.
We supported the River Valley Baptist Light Party and students from Kaipara College on their OPC.
Coming up is our second great Book Fair of the year. This is on November 23/24th, so make a note in your diaries.
Christmas is not far away so be prepared and order your Lions Christmas cake NOW– orders to Pauline 09 420 6208.