by Noah Everard, Year 13 Student, Kaipara College
When I was first presented with the opportunity to write for the Helensville Community News paper, my answer escaped me. It seems my mind did not allow time for any anxious or self-doubting thoughts to creep in and plague my enthusiasm in taking on this task. I would not describe this act as bold, writing is hardly a daring task. However, as 2023 came to an end and the due date to produce my very first article waved at me from the other side of this week, I felt doubtful. But hey, the mindset I had whilst accepting this task, is the exact one I hope to have for my last year of college, so bear with me as I plunge into my first article.
School is a tremendous part of a teenagers’ life, due to it absorbing substantial amounts of our time, as well as being our primary source of life-lessons. I come to school to learn, not only about academics, but about parts of myself. When I was younger I would perpetually question why I had to attend school so often, or even at all sometimes. It is only in recent years that I have begun to understand and appreciate the significance of school in my life. This is largely due to the realisation that I would be bored and lazy if I did not have school to drag me out of bed in the mornings on a Monday. This year, being my last, will be spent appreciating every aspect of high-school I can and diving into year 13 with confidence and a smile. Especially in the midst of such abnormal social times and international strife, I will seek to dearly value the fellowship of the classroom environment, where one can converse and learn shamelessly with their peers.
Every year it seems as though the hard becomes less difficult and the tedious becomes less tiring. The idea of leaving high-school for good and moving on to bigger and more mature things does not frighten me. All my life I have acquired different tools and skills which will help me in the years to come. School has been a primary proprietor of such life skills, instilling a robust mindset and work ethic within myself. Therefore, I see the prospect of leaving school, not as a frightening thing, but rather what I was taught to do. To use the tools which school has offered and apply them the best I can.
Going in to year 13, my outlook on my schooling life will be thankful and ever so retrospective. The newspaper has graciously allowed me a platform where I can express my thoughts, and formulate my feelings.